Food, art, design, writing, making, cooking, yoga, teaching, horticulture, wellbeing.
The art studio, yoga studio, kitchen and garden.
My love of the buzz of cities and cafe culture. My need to live in the countryside, close to nature.
Meeting friends and energising conversation. The joy of solitude, solo travel and going to cafes to write alone.
Order and organisation. Flow and improvisation.
All the time in the world and nothing gets done. Limited time and minutes are so savoured and sweet.
Design and art. Art and design.
The connection and power of collaboration.
The yearning to create my own uncompromising work.
The inner and the outer.
Being and doing.
Receiving and giving.
Listening and expressing.
The darkness and the light.
The beauty and the pain.
The masculine and the feminine.
The hidden and the seen.
“Often contradiction is the clearest way to truth” - Patti Smith.
And variety is the spice of life.
Biodiversity in nature. Diversity in me.
Allowing all the parts.
Rainbow painting completed in August 2020 when on an artist residency in Greywood Arts.